Kamis, 30 November 2017

Why Most Leadership Training is a Waste of Money and What You Can Do About It

A group of senior executives are finishing up a three-day program at a top leadership training center. They've already filled out evaluations of the courses they took and the instructors. Now they're grading the facilities and meals. Soon they'll be heading back home to see what work has piled up while they were gone.

This scene is played out countless times every day, all across the country. It also tells you a lot about the mistakes companies make with leadership training.

Companies spend millions every year to send top managers to multi-day, off-site leadership programs. At the same they spend only about 7 percent of the training budget on first line supervisors.

But it's those first line supervisors that make most of the difference. Jeff Immelt, current CEO at General Electric, says that when he was a boy, he always knew the name of his father's supervisor, but rarely knew the name of the CEO. That's normal.

First line supervisors determine whether workers are engaged or not. They're the leaders who assure that teams have both high morale and high productivity. Why not spend some training money on them to help them do a better job?

The other thing wrong with spending leadership training money on senior managers is that they're not likely to change much. A manager who's been plying the leadership trade for a couple of decades isn't likely to make a big, effective behavioral change because of a couple of classes.

To make matters worse, most leadership training uses ineffective methods. Companies spend millions every year on classroom-based training that isn't much different from what you'd see if you could go back in time to almost any Medieval university.

In both cases there's one person in front of the room talking to a bunch of other people. Oh sure, today there would be PowerPoint slides and the seats might be more comfortable, but Martin Luther would have no trouble recognizing what's going on.

In this medieval training model, the instructor lays out some basic principles and then works down to specific applications. That might be great for the teacher, but it's not the way that most human beings learn best.

Think about any baby you've been around. There's not a general principle in sight. The baby sees things, touches things, runs into things and tastes things and then turns all those experiences into general principles.

That's how most adults learn, too. The most effective sequence is from specific point or experience to general principle.

What we need is more leadership training that uses methods that are more effective than lecture, or even lecture with PowerPoint and handouts. We need to use more methods that offer opportunities to learn from specific, relevant situations. And we need to use more methods that allow for reflection.

But, just because training is different from our Medieval model doesn't automatically make it effective. There are a lot of programs out there based on the principle that we have to do something special to make learning fun. Other programs grow from the need for trainers and consultants to sell something "new."

That's why you have leadership training that isn't training at all, at least not in leadership. Executives can try outdoor adventure training which can be lots of fun or they can learn leadership by cooking, which probably helps the executive be more helpful at parties. But how do either of these make you a better leader? None of these trendy methods seem to do much about helping you learn leadership, but they're a fun way to spend the training budget.

Selasa, 07 November 2017

Executive Leadership Training Develops Strategic Leadership Visions

Executive leadership training programs can sharpen and focus your strategic vision.

When you acquire the skills, expertise and processes of visionary leadership you magnify and telescope the effectiveness of your leadership behaviors.

In today's globally competitive economy, all professionals, supervisors, managers and entrepreneurs must participate in executive level leadership training.

Your executive leadership training programs should prepare you to create strategic leadership visions that can meet the challenging demands of leading your projects, operations, employees and the activities of other stakeholders.

The principles and concepts of strategic leadership enables executives to formulate, communicate and execute on their powerfully compelling visions. What ingredients give your visions energy and inspire people to take positive actions?

Engage Them!

Your strategic visionary leadership challenge is to discover ways of blending together three essential ingredients for added spice and flavor in the aroma of your vision:

    1) Map It - show them the avenue leading to bountiful opportunities and hidden treasures 2) Model It - reveal how all the moving parts will work together when you flip the switch 3) Diagram It - draw out the specs, structures, synergies and signposts behind the vision

Empower Them!
Most executive leadership training, coaching and development programs need to invest more effort and devote additional time to teaching the fundamentals and strategies of human capital enrichment.

Executive leaders should train themselves to focus their attention and concentrate their energies on:

    => Constantly tweaking and using a dependable, potent system for empowering their employees, associates, partners and key stakeholders; => Discovering and deploying some type of failure-resistant system for producing successful individuals and outcomes; => Turning their management-dominated strategic planning exercises into a "total employee involvement program"

In this Age where imaginative applications of Knowledge are the primary source of competitive advantage, it is foolish to rely on anything less than executives who expertly inspire and leverage their people's potential through strategic, visionary leadership practices.

Encourage Them!
The acid test for executive leadership training programs reveals itself through these criteria:

    Do leaders exhibit the kinds of desirable personal, organizational and societal traits, values and work patterns within their strategic leadership behaviors?
    Are visionary leadership attributes - such as, continuous learning and growth, an eagerness or greediness for new things and a unshakable commitment to embrace broader perspectives - embedded in this executive leader's DNA?
    Which components, if any, of your leadership agenda are driven by the human capital developmental priorities of your strategic visions?

Without a vision, the people perish but without the hope supported by:

    - Behavioral models which honestly reflect a set of high ideals, - An open exchange of, interactions with and search for new ideas, - A daily agenda that actively promotes excursions into self-discovery, professional education and community enrichment

Without all the seeds containing those forms of hope, your organization will find itself bleeding the emotional, spiritual and psychological strengths it needs to survive, flourish and thrive.

So the question remains: how will design your executive leadership training program to help you develop your strategic leadership skills, visionary leadership competencies and proficiency in enabling, educating and enriching your human capital assets?

Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017

How to Maximize the Return on a Leadership Training Course

In today's economic environment every business is looking to maximize the return on investment. One of the hardest things to figure out can be the return on investment for leadership development training. It's easy to recognize the need for a leadership training course, but how to calculate the return on investment is another matter. Some would say it is easier get a consensus definition of leadership than it is to calculate the return on investment in leadership training.

The best way to calculate the return on investment of a leadership training course is to have a shift in how leadership training is viewed. In most cases, leadership training is viewed as a way to improve the competencies of someone in a leadership position. For example, if you have a leader that does a poor job in their leadership communication, you get leadership development training to improve that competency.

In order to calculate a return on investment for a leadership training course you have to go one step further than just looking at the competency. You have to look at the results of having the competency in place. In other words, if this leader had the competency of effective leadership communication, what would having that competency allow the organization to achieve. Once you begin to focus on the results, then you can more easily calculate the return on investment for the training.

Using our previous example, let's say that after the leader completes a leadership course on communication the turnover in the leader's department declines by 5%. That 5% reduction represents a part of the return on investment. There may be other areas that are positively impacted also.

When making a decision on leadership training, you want to calculate the potential return on investment before the training begins. It is much better to know going in what you want to get out of the training and the impact the training will have.

To maximize the return on investment, there has to be a way to reinforce the training after the training event. Most leadership courses are one, two, or three day workshop events. What happens in the training is participants learn leadership concepts and ways to apply the concepts. What usually is missing is practicing the leadership concepts and getting feedback or coaching from the instructor.

What that means is when the participant gets back to the workplace they need to practice the leadership concepts learned in the training. Not only do they need to practice, they also need to get feedback on how well they are developing the skills they learned. Without having a process set up in advance, there is a very strong chance that your investment in leadership development training will be wasted. The old saying is so true: "if you don't use it, you will lose it."

Having a coaching and mentoring program is an excellent way to reinforce the leadership concepts learned in the training. The mentor or coach can observe and give feedback as well as recommend additional things that would enhance the development of the person.

Calculating and maximizing return on investment in leadership development training does not have to be a vague concept. Implement the suggestions here and you will want to invest in the leaders of your organization.

Minggu, 08 Oktober 2017

Why Organizational Leadership Training Should Create Visionary Leaders

Organizational leadership training courses should help leaders create statements of vision, convincingly communicate their missions and connect visionary leadership strategies to their daily practice of leading others.

Business leadership training and executive management training programs which empower leaders and give them tools, techniques and principles for presenting the vitality and inspirational elements of their visions will usually produce more successful leaders.

How can organizational leadership training help you develop vision statements and enable your missions to achieve the most demanding business improvement and executive management goals?

You'll know how effective the visionary modules of your organizational leadership training and development efforts have been when your actions begin to payoff in producing these three fundamental imperatives :

    1) You provide your followers with a compelling yet desirable vision of their possibilities which ensure their endeavors will result in achievements of lasting value;

    2) You write your envisioned mission in clear, plain language so that your associates are able to run with and carry its meaning forward to others;

    3) Your use the vision to indicate an appointed, yet significant time in the future and even though it appears to be delayed in coming, it will eventually become your reality.

Are You Becoming the Visionary Leader Others Need You to be?

"To be or not to be, that is the question." - William Shakespeare

The challenge facing your organizational leadership training program is simply this - your business leadership or executive management training must prepare you to robustly serve the growth needs of your people by:

    - Helping them shape their desires, dreams and destinies
    - Enabling them to transcend their doubts, fears or anxiety of change,
    - Empowering them to achieve the tangible, essential realistic products of the vision

You can best demonstrate your wisdom as well as your visionary leadership skills by physically and psychologically engaging your key partners and stakeholders in the development and expansion of your vision statements.

Your visioning process would involve those important people by employing their intellectual inputs of judgment, knowledge and imagination coupled with the emotional capital of their willingness, commitment and confidence.

Well-designed organizational leadership training courses can transform your latent talents into visionary leadership excellence. Business leadership training workshops or executive management training programs which feature elements of visioning and visionary leadership are worth their weight in gold.

Senin, 25 September 2017

The Power of the Leadership Training and Leadership Coaching Duo

Every leader needs leadership training. Right? Have you ever had a boss who didn't? Every player needs a coach. Right? Have you ever met a sports star without?

In fact, leaders are in constant need of leadership training. It's the nature of the beast. To be truly effective to the best of their abilities, leaders must continuously analyze their behavior, seek feedback from those around them and constantly work on improving their leadership skills.

Leadership training is one way to gain new knowledge and learn new skills. It's focused and intense. And the usual training getaway from being in the saddle 24/7 is much needed by any and all leaders.

The best types of leadership training include grappling with real-life situations. The latest and greatest theories are important, but they are no substitute for tackling tough, complex leadership challenges as though one's life depended on it. Because it does.

Top notch leadership training not only teaches critical skills, but also gives participants the opportunity to practice what they're learning through role plays and other training techniques. People need to "feel" the problem and wrestle with the solution to truly learn.

But leadership training is not enough. As Edwin Friedman wrote in A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix, "Mature leadership begins with the leader's capacity to take responsibility for his or her own emotional being and destiny." Understanding one's emotional being and harnessing it for powerful leadership is a process, not a skill.

That's where leadership coaching enters the scene as the powerful partner of leadership training. Coaching is an ongoing process that helps leaders build on lessons learned in leadership training and apply them in real life situations.

Behavior is driven by emotion. Yet leaders rarely take time and seek assistance to understand their emotional selves that drive their behavioral selves. It is much easier to attend leadership training workshops, read books about leadership skills and commit to implementing what one has learned. But understanding one's emotional self and emotional intelligence is precisely what one must do to move from being a good leader to great leader. Coaches are worth their weight in gold when they help school leaders understand their emotional selves and take responsibility for changing.

In a coaching relationship, the coach helps the coachee understand his or her emotional self and the ways in which that self drives behavior. One excellent tool that coaches can use to help school leaders understand and improve their emotional selves and intelligence is the EQ-i (Emotional Quotient Inventory). It measures emotional intelligence in the following areas: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Stress Management, Adaptability and General Mood. All are critical to being a great leader.

Leadership training combined with ongoing leadership coaching is a powerful combination that helps school leaders become truly great leaders. Through training, leaders hone skills, but most importantly, through coaching they learn to execute the critical plays under pressure.

Senin, 04 September 2017

How Leadership Training Develops Strong Business Leadership Skills

Leadership training must evolve beyond programs of improving basic business leadership skills. While discussing the fundamentals of delegation, running meetings, "motivating" employees and public speaking may be OK for newly minted supervisors, it's really inadequate for the majority of professionals who rely on executive management training to survive in their leadership positions.

If you do not think we need to change our leadership training strategies, here are a few reasons why we should. Our world enjoys a level playing field which empowers billions of people to attain greater prosperity. At the same time, more people are acquiring and improving their business leadership skills through formal educational programs or their own informal development efforts.

The many advances made in computing, communications and other commercialization technologies offer everybody opportunities to quickly develop and sell their ideas. As improvements in the physical technology arenas continue to capture media attention, most business leadership skills courses and leadership training endeavors fail to improve our expertise in applying social technology.

Some people call this period of human history, the Age of Knowledge, yet still others, like me, say it is the Imagination Age. Indeed, we even find ourselves questioning deeply-held priorities, like our use of natural, human and man-made resources, in response to ever-increasing social pressures.

However, leadership training programs, especially in today's competitive economy, should prepare executives, management candidates and entrepreneurs to energize their business leadership skills in such areas as:

    => Innovation strategy development
    => Talent management and human capital enrichment
    => Technology portfolio designs and analysis
    => Business systems requirements and analysis
    => Coaching, facilitation and consulting techniques
    => Value-oriented analytics and engineering principles

All these subjects and others can help you boost growth and improve your performance on the "bottom-line". But more importantly, directors, executives and managers who work in non profits, a governmental agency or a service organization simply do not understand the contributions of those same subjects to their future success.

When selecting your next leadership training, business leadership skills or executive management training program use the following three tips.

Tip-1 - What Philosophy Is Being Promoted?

Any leadership training program attempts to help you discover the nature, causes and principles associated with the reality of leading, applying the knowledge base of leadership and the reasoning used by leaders.

That statement defines the philosophy of most leadership development programs. However, it's up to you to assess, measure and comprehend the scope, depth and intensity of your leadership training courses. You do have to evaluate when the needs of your business leadership skills are not being served by your executive management training program.

Tip-2 - How Does This Leadership Training Strategy Work for You?

These days there quite a few numbers of effective, efficient and efficacious educational techniques, delivery systems and program support strategies available to you.

Obviously, you will want to use your schedule, your learning style preferences and your personal as well as your professional requirements to gauge your leadership training options.

Your business leadership skills will be strengthened, sharpened and stimulated if you employ a long-term (6-12 months or longer) executive management training regimen.

Tip-3 - Why Will These Activities Energize Your Business Leadership Skills?

An excellent leadership training program will include classroom or instructor-led, self-directed or home-study and in-service learning activities. Involving this variety of learning situations increases the energy levels of your business leadership skills.

In other words, the doing, dissecting and developing of your leadership performances enables you to more effectively absorb your 'lessons' physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and psychologically. That's why world-class organizations give their promising performers executive management training for 2, 3 or more years.